IB CP Core - PPS, RP, SL, LD
Personal & Professional Skills Course - this course is designed to introduce students to college and career readiness skills and is aimed at encouraging the development of transferable attitudes, skills and strategies for present and future academic and workplace success. IBCP Learner Profile traits will be emphasized as well as the development of personal qualities required of business and industry for career success. This course will support students in their career-related studies, serve as a link to the IBCP core components and provide time for the development of skills necessary to become active lifelong learners. Five central themes will be integrated through the course content, including: personal development, intercultural understanding, effective communication, thinking processes and applied ethics. This course is required during one semester, each, in the junior and senior years.
(left to right) Victoria Atwater, Talha Ali, Simra Nadeem, Lucy Kent,
Sellina Vasha, Leah Carter, Henry (Hank) Burns-Pavlik
Reflective Project
The reflective project is an extended piece of work that engages the learner in inquiry and reflection on an ethical dilemma related to their career-related study. Students will develop their communication and research skills through the development of a researched argument on a local or global issue. Critical thinking and creative writing skills will be used to create the final project selected from two options: a 3,000 word essay or 1,500-2,000 word essay with a media-based component. The development of these skills will help to prepare the student for college readiness. It is expected that 50 hours will be devoted to this project over two years.
Service Learning
The service learning component of the IBCP certificate promotes opportunities for students to give back to their community through structured service opportunities and projects that meet a local or global community need. Leadership skills will be developed as students experience a sense of caring and responsibility for others while working collaboratively to solve problems and initiate change. Fifty hours is expected to be devoted to service learning goals over two years.
Language Development
The goal of the language development IBCP core requirement is to develop a greater understanding of a second language while developing a deeper understanding and awareness of people from other cultures. Language proficiency will center on the development of skills in oral communication, verbal interpretation, reading comprehension and writing skills. Fifty hours is expected to be committed to the students' language development goals over two years.